Endorser Verification

Welcome to the Endorsement Process: Paving The Way!

Hoopcliq.com is thrilled to welcome you into our vibrant community—a premier platform dedicated to the basketball universe. Here, you’re not just a member but a pivotal part of a dynamic ecosystem that nurtures talent and dreams. As we embark on this exciting journey together, your expertise and endorsements hold the power to unlock new horizons for aspiring athletes.

Join the Movement: Empower the Next Generation

Before diving into the heart of the action, we have a small yet significant step for specific community members. To ensure the integrity and security of our platform, we request individuals from the following categories to complete a brief form:

Middle School Mentors: Your guidance shapes the foundation of future stars.

High School Coaches: You refine raw talent, preparing them for greatness.

AAU Coaches: Your insights and experience are invaluable in sculpting elite athletes.

Former or Active College Players: You’ve been there, done that. Your journey inspires.

Former or Active Pro Players: Your achievements and wisdom are the beacon for aspiring champions.

This measure is more than a formality—it’s a commitment to maintaining a trusted space where dreams are nurtured, skills are honed, and ambitions are realized.

Your Role: A Catalyst for NCAA Aspirations

The athletes who seek your endorsement are driven by a singular goal: to make their mark in NCAA basketball. Your role in this quest cannot be overstated. By endorsing player videos for specific college levels, you’re not just evaluating talent; you’re igniting potential and opening doors to life-changing opportunities.

Our Promise: Excitement Meets Professionalism

At Hoopcliq.com, we’re passionate about basketball and the community we serve. We promise to match your enthusiasm with unwavering professionalism, ensuring a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Together, let’s elevate the game and turn aspirations into achievements.

Step Up and Stand Out

Your expertise is invaluable, and your endorsements are the key to unlocking a brighter future for countless athletes. Complete the provided form and we appreciate your participation in shaping the next generation of basketball stars!


Endorse a Player